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At RTA, we represent PRINCIPAL ACTORS for commercials, film, television, and voiceover.

We DO NOT rep Models or Background Performers.

  • Do you represent International Actors?
    We are only able to represent Canadian Citizens, Permanent Residents, or those with Dual Citizenship. Canada has strict tax credit rules for Productions, requiring actors to be Canadian tax-paying citizens. This often means that an actor can only work in the PROVINCE in which they reside.
  • Do I need PROFESSIONAL HEADSHOTS to apply?
    Nope! If you are new to the industry, send us 2-3 clear photos, without any sunglasses, hats, squinty eyes, etc. We'd prefer 1 Full Body, 1 Close-Up (smiling), & 1 Close-Up (neutral/relaxed face). If we decide to work together, we are happy to recommend some great professional photographers to suit your budget and stylistic needs.
  • Where are IN-PERSON AUDITIONS being held?
    Typically in the downtown area of a major city, such as Toronto, Vancouver, & Montreal. You will need to have a vehicle or reliable public transportation to attend auditions, which are mainly held on weekdays, between the hours of 9am-8pm. For children, auditions are held after school, and occasionally on weekends.
  • What if I CURRENTLY HAVE AN AGENT, but I want to apply to RTA?
    First and foremost, try to communicate your issues with your own agent first. If you're not getting auditions, is there a reason? Perhaps it's off-season, there's an industry strike, or your materials need updating? A lot of what agents do is behind the scenes, so please don't assume that a lack of auditions means they aren't working 24/7 for you! If a fresh start is what you're seeking, please check your current contract and give your agent the proper termination notice. We will not sign a new actor, nor start submitting them, until they have been formally released. For actors seeking additional representation, we are open to working with your team, so long as each agent you have covers a different and well-defined market.
  • Can you CAST ME in something or READ MY SCRIPT?
    RTA is not a Casting Agency or a Literary Agency. As a Principal Talent Agency, we represent the actors themselves. We receive job postings (aka "breakdowns") from the Casting Directors, and then submit our actors that best fit the character descriptions, for the chance to get them an audition.
  • Is there a COST to join?
    NO, we do not charge any administrative fees. We adhere to the EIC guidelines, which monitors agencies for ethicality and financial transparency. Agents only make money when an actor books a job. Standard commission rates are 15% for commercials, film, television, and voiceover. For the occasional print or theatre gig that comes our way, we deduct 20% or 10%, respectively. Now, there are still professional costs of running your own business, as per below. (YES, Actors are their own Self-Employed business!) An actor is directly responsible for their own headshots, home studio self-taping equipment, and professional fees (e.g. Casting Workbook Membership, ACTRA Membership, training, private coaching)
  • What are the AVAILABILITY requirements?
    We understand the precarious nature of the industry, but actors need the flexibility in employment and lifestyle to give priority to auditions, callbacks, and bookings. This allows us to maximize the opportunities available to you and your career.
  • Is there a CONTRACT to sign?
    Yes, but we do not lock our actors into a specific time commitment. The contract may be terminated at any time, as long as 60 days written notice has been given. The contract is to protect your rights as a performer, and the agency's rights to avoid legal repercussions from Producers.
  • Do I need TRAINING to apply?
    YES, yes, and even more YES! Acting is a skilled professional craft, which needs to be practiced and honed throughout the entirety of your career. Think of this way - NHL players don't just show up to compete for the Stanley Cup. They train year-round, even in the off-season. (Yes, acting has an off-season, too, which is actually the best time to train!) We will not consider your application package unless you have at least two recent training courses on your resume. (So no, high school drama class from 20 years ago does not count!) We would like to see Improv, Scene Study, Commercial Study, and On-Camera Auditioning Technique for starters. For young children, YES, they need training as well! Why, you ask? To see if film & television is the right fit for their interests. Through training, your child might discover that they like theatre, musical theatre, dance, or other areas more. Just because you have an outgoing kid does not mean that they might have the patience for film & tv... and trust us, A LOT of patience is required! For a list of reputable training centers across the country, please visit our Links here.
  • When does FILMING take place?
    The majority of filming takes place Monday to Friday, at all hours of the day and night. Parents, same goes for filming children! While auditions are after school, filming is not. You will be expected to miss school (and work for yourself) to be on set. Actors & Parents, this means you'll need to have OPEN AVAILABILITY on SHORT NOTICE. Most actors need to work flexible part-time jobs in order to support their careers, but we DO expect you to put acting first.
  • Do I need EXPERIENCE to apply?
    While experience is preferred, it is not always required. What you DO need is some recent training. Please see individual agent preferences below. Teri Ritter - 10+ principal/supporting/lead credits - By referral only Maya Ritter - Beginners welcome, but MUST submit a self-taped scene and have at least TWO acting courses for Film/TV and/or on camera auditioning completed Jackie Warden - Beginners welcome - Ages 4+ MUST have at least ONE acting course completed Please see next FAQ for training specifics.
  • Do I need to join ACTRA?
    All actors start out as non-union performers. Agents are able to submit non-union performers to both non-union and union (ACTRA) gigs. If an actor books a union gig, ACTRA will invite the performer to join as an Apprentice member. At this point, the actor and agent will have a one-one-one strategy meeting, to decide if this is the right choice and the right time to become unionized.
    Sure do! The majority of film and tv auditions are still being self-taped, while commercials are often taped for the first round and then the callbacks are held in person. You can wait until you're signed, but you'll need the equipment right away to start with auditions. We recommend a blue or gray backdrop, an 18" ring light on a camera/phone tripod, and some additional backlighting, depending on what your space currently has available.

©2024 by Ritter Talent Agency

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